Going to run things a bit differently this year, The last few years we have been asking for £30-35 for JAE Tickets (£25-30 for the Ticket, £5 Contribution). and we order them in bulk and post them out to you. This year JAE Have upped the Ticket price to £35, with no bulk order discount available - So its a bit pointless this year and the fact JAE has made it easier to purchase tickets now via their website.
So, this year, you will need to purchase your Own ticket!
PLEASE NOTE! there are 3 types of ticket you can buy,
4 Days (Thursday to Sunday) - £35
3 Days (Friday/ Saturday to Sunday) - £30
Now...All i ask is, that if you are attending the 4GUK Plot for JAE, we just ask for a small donation. Last year we had a Massive £200+ In donations!! This paid for the Marque Hire, Generator, Fuel, Sound system, Club Banner, Awards and Trophies etc. And its all thanks to YOU guys!

Please forward donations to 4GUKPAYMENTS@GMAIL.COM
Gates open 12, Mid day on the Thursday and remain 24hrs until Sunday. Rest assured. I will be there waiting at the gates at 11am waiting to get in, and wont be leaving until about 5pm on the Sunday. EVERYONE is welcome. But please note, JAE will NOT let you in, if you arrive in a Non-Japanese car, Ticket or not. You will have to leave your car in the car park. If you need for any circumstances bring a Non-Japanese vehicle in, you must let me know ASAP. as this requires a special pass which i can apply for. (Disability etc)
Our plot will have room for 20-25 Cars and about 20-25 Tents. possibly more....
We saw LOTS of new faces last year, lets this year be no different!
So, lets get a Rollcall going....
1.Gizmo (4WD Shuttle)